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Dog Breeds

Basenji Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size

Basenji Dog Breed Overview

One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet; Basenji belongs to the medium size dog. Also known as African Barkless Dog, this breed was discovered first in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 10-12 years and is associated with the Hunting Dogs Group.

Dog Breed Name:Basenji
Other Names:African Bush Dog
Size:medium size dog
Average Height:Male: 16-17 inches (41-43 cm), Female: 15-16 inches (38-41 cm)
Average Weight:Male: 22-26 pounds (10-12 kg), Female: 20-25 pounds (9-11 kg)
Energy:high energy level
Origin:Democratic Republic of the Congo
Group:Hound Dogs
Life Span:10 to 12 years
Dog Breed Overview:The Basenji is probably one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dog, and perhaps that's why he's not a barker. Early people may have preferred a quiet dog on hunts. Like his wild cousin the wolf, the Basenji can bark but usually barks only once and then is silent. It's also theorized that he is only partially domesticated. His metabolism is unlike that of any other domesticated dog, and like wild canids the female Basenji only cycles once a year compared to twice a year for other domesticated dogs.Basenjis were discovered by Westerners in the Congo region of West Africa in the 19th century. There, the dogs were used to flush game into nets, to carry goods, and to warn of the approach of dangerous animals when on the trail. A good hunting Basenji was valued more than a wife by some tribes in Africa, not only for his hunting skill but also his resourcefulness and ingenuity.Attempts to bring the Basenji to Europe failed at first because the imported dogs all died of disease shortly after arrival. The first successful importation occurred in the 1930s both in England and the United States.The Basenji Club of America was formed in 1942, and the American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1943. Phemister's Bois was the first Basenji registered with the AKC, in 1944. Basenjis are rare, ranking 84th among the 155 breeds and varieties recognized by the AKC, so expect to spend time on a breeder's waiting list if you decide this is the dog for you.

  • Basenjis are easy to train.
  • The Basenji requires minimal grooming.
  • Basenjis shed none to minimal.
  • The Basenji is a perfect example of a low drooling tendency.
  • Basenjis don't do well with allergy sufferers by causing allergic reaction.
  • It is not recommended to keep the Basenji breed in the home.

Basenji Dog Breed Price

American Basenji from regular breeders cost you from $1000 to $1200 per puppy.

Basenji Dog Breed Size

The Basenji varies in size: males are normally about 16-17 inches (41-43 cm),  in height and around 22-26 pounds (10-12 kg), in weight, while females are normally around 15-16 inches (38-41 cm) in height and 20-25 pounds (9-11 kg) in weight.

Basenji Dog Breed Temperament

The basenji can be an aloof dog; very affectionate with his family, but not outgoing to strangers. They originally hunted in packs and are usually good with other dogs if socialized while young. However, some can be argumentative with other basenjis. Basenjis tend to be clever dogs, but not easy to train.

Basenji Dog Breed Lifespan

The average lifespan for a Basenji is 10 to 12 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.

Interesting Facts about Basenji Dog

  • Basenjis normally do not bark, but they can be very noisy, making sounds that include yodels, whines, and screams.
  • They are hard to train. Basenjis survived for thousand of years by being independent thinkers. They see no need to obey humans. Positive training can work to an extent, but they will pick and choose when to obey.
  • Basenjis have a strong prey drive and cannot be trusted off leash unless in a well-fenced area.
  • Basenjis are escape artists. They will use a chain link fence as a ladder, jump up and climb over a wood fence, or bolt out open doors.
  • Basenjis have a great deal of energy. If not provided with outlets for this they will become destructive or find other ways to burn off energy. Crating is recommended when not supervised.
  • Basenjis consider themselves family. They cannot be left in a yard with food and water. They require a great deal of time and attention.
  • They do not do well in homes with other small pets, as their instinct to chase may take over. If raised with cats they can do well but they’re not recommended for homes with hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, guinea pigs, birds, or ferrets.
  • Basenjis are stubborn, and you could end up with a confused and aggressive Basenji if you try to overcome his stubbornness with force.

FAQ’s on Basenji Dog

Are Basenji Dangerous Dogs? Are Basenji naturally aggressive?

Basenji dogs are not typically considered aggressive, although they can seek to dominate other dogs, particularly other male dogs. While aggressive displays are often rare, they may be observed if they are held tightly or grabbed, or they want to protect their possessions (including food and toys).

Are Basenji smart?

Yes, Basenji are a highly intelligent dog breed.

Are Basenji trainable?

They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.

Can Basenji be kept with other dogs?

The basenji can be an aloof dog; very affectionate with his family, but not outgoing to strangers. They originally hunted in packs and are usually good with other dogs if socialized while young. However, some can be argumentative with other basenjis.

Do Basenji kill people?

Their hunting instincts are likely to force them into committing undesirable acts. Thus, Basenjis may prove to be dangerous and aggressive towards smaller animals

Do Basenji have locking jaws?

No, they do not have locking jaws.

Are Basenji safe to keep with kids?

Basenjis aren’t known for being especially fond of children, but with their high energy level, they can be good companions for older children. If they’re going to be around kids, it’s best if they’re raised with them from puppyhood.

What should I feed my Basenji?

Basenjis are known to piling on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.

At what age is a Basenji fully grown?

Basenji stop growing at around 2 years of age. However, they tend to thicken up until they are around 3 years old.

How long does a Basenji live?

An Basenji can live anywhere from 10 to 12 years.

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