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Dog Breeds

Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size

Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Overview

One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Chow Shepherd belongs to the Large size dog. Also known as Sheprachow , this breed was discovered first in Germany. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 12-15 years and is associated with the Mixed Breed Dogs Group.

Dog Breed Name:Chow Shepherd
Other Names:Sheprachow
Size:large size dog
Average Height:22 to 26 inches
Average Weight:45 to 90 pounds
Energy:high energy levels
Group:Mixed Breed Dogs
Life Span:12 to 15 years
Dog Breed Overview:The Chow Shepherd mixed breed may have existed naturally over the years, however breeders wanted to mix the two parent breeds to minimize health problems that affect many purebreds as well as create an ultimate herding and companion dog. They continued to create Chow Shepherds as demand for the mixed breed pups climbed.To better understand the Chow Shepherd, you may wish to learn about the history of their parents: the Chow Chow and the German Shepherd Dog.Chow Chows are one of the oldest breeds, believed to have originated in Mongolia China. One Emperor was said to have kept 2,500 pairs of Chow Chows for hunting expeditions. If you would like to learn more about this fascinating breed you can read more about Chow Chows.German Shepherds are a herding dog from Germany. One military captain, Max Von Stephanitz had a favorite pastime, which was breeding and developing the ultimate German herding dog. After retiring from the military, he did just that, and the German Shepherd Dog we see today is the result. They're now one of the most popular breeds. Learn all about German Shepherd Dogs.
Colours:fawn, cream, gray, red, brown, and black.
Temperament:extremely loyal and protective


Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Price

Chow Shepherd from regular breeders cost you from $1200 to $2000 per puppy.

Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Size

The Chow Shepherd varies in size: males are normally about 22 to 26 inches in height and around 45 to 90 pounds in weight, while females are normally around 22 to 26 inches in height and 45 to 90 pounds in weight.

Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Temperament

Chow chows are not usually social, outgoing dogs. They tend to be aloof with strangers and can be aggressive with other dogs. This is fitting with their history as guard dogs for homes and livestock. Early socialization to other dogs, pets and people is important.

Chow Shepherd Dog Breed Lifespan

The average lifespan for a Chow Shepherd is 12 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.

Interesting Facts about Chow Shepherd Breed Dog

  • Chow Shepherds are mixed breed dogs. They are not purebreds like their Chow Chow or German Shepherd Dog parents.
  • The main colors of Chow Shepherds are fawn, cream, gray, red, brown, and black. They generally have a beautiful blend of two or more colors.
  • Chow Shepherds will most likely have long, dense coats and are not a good choice for allergy sufferers. Regular daily brushing and extra brushing during shedding season with a deshedding brush may be needed.
  • Chow Shepherds have high energy levels. One hour daily of vigorous exercise is a good starting point. Hiking and other adventurous activities are strongly recommended.
  • The Chow Shepherd makes a great addition to a big family with older kids who know how to play nicely with dogs. This pup will not tolerate rough play from small kids.
  • If a Chow Shepherd has had plenty of exposure to other dogs, cats, and small animals and has been trained how to interact with them, they’ll be friendly with other pets, too.
  • Chow Shepherds are highly trainable and thrive on positive reinforcement. Do not leave them alone for long periods, as they can get separation anxiety easily

FAQ’s on Chow Shepherd Dog

Are Chow Shepherd Dangerous Dogs? Are Chow Shepherd naturally aggressive?

Chow Shepherd are not usually social, outgoing dogs. They tend to be aloof with strangers and can be aggressive with other dogs. This is fitting with their history as guard dogs for homes and livestock. Early socialization to other dogs, pets and people is important.

Are Chow Shepherd smart?

Yes, Chow Shepherd is a highly intelligent dog breed.

Are Chow Shepherd trainable?

They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.

Can Chow Shepherd be kept with other dogs?

While Chow Shepherds are not excessively barky, they will alert when strangers approach. These dogs are protective of their loved ones and, with early socialization, will be friendly with people, children, and other dogs.

Can a Chow Shepherd attack its owner?

No, Chow Shepherd are a highly loyal breed. If this ever occurs it is due to poorly raising and socializing the dog and would be a very rare instance.

Another reason can be if the owner is interacting with a sexually charged up dog or a dog who does not consider the handler as a superior. Many Chow Shepherders invite Chow Shepherd males into their kennel for mating. These males are in a new place and handled by new dog handlers. Instances of attacks on humans are possible in such a scenario. If you have brought a male Chow Shepherd for breeding, be aware that you are not the master in the dog’s eyes.

Do Chow Shepherd kill people?

NO, Even when raised improperly, Chow Shepherd will not kill a person. When they attack, it is due to them being raised and socialized improperly by the owner. The reason that they can hurt people more than most other dog breeds is the fact that they have strong jaws and have a bad reputation due to which victims are in shock.

Do Chow Shepherd have locking jaws?

No, they do not have locking jaws.

Are Chow Shepherd safe to keep with kids?

The Chow Shepherd makes a great addition to a big family with older kids who know how to play nicely with dogs. As with every breed, you should always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children.

What should I feed my Chow Shepherd?

Chow Shepherds are known to pile on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.

How long does a Chow Shepherd live?

A Chow Shepherd can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.

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