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5 health benefits of haritaki, an ancient Ayurvedic herb

Haritaki is an ancient Ayurvedic herb packed with essential nutrients.

Considered an essential herb in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, haritaki is derived from the fruit of myrobalan plum tree. High in essential nutrients like vitamins C and K, amino acids, magnesium, flavonoids, and antioxidants, haritaki is highly effective against constipation, cough, indigestion, and skin diseases. It also promotes weight loss, improves immunity, and stimulates metabolism.

Here are five health benefits of haritaki.


Promotes digestion

Packed with dietary fibers, haritaki acts as a natural laxative and helps in improving the digestive functions of the body by increasing the absorption of essential nutrients from food. It also treats constipation by decreasing flatulence, cleansing the intestines, and eliminating waste materials from the body. Haritaki treats stomach acidity, bloating, and gas, while also minimizing the chances of various stomach ulcers.

Diabetic friendly

Manages diabetes

According to several scientific research, haritaki is highly effective in managing diabetes and keeping blood sugar levels under control due to its amazing hypoglycaemic properties. This powerful herb also decreases insulin sensitivity in the body by reducing the breakdown of starch into glucose. Regular consumption of haritaki powder gives relief from diabetic symptoms like excessive thirst, weight loss, frequent urination, etc.

Skin and hair health

Excellent for skin and hair

Packed with powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, haritaki can give relief from skin conditions like pimples, acne, boils, and rashes, thereby improving your overall skin texture. Applying haritaki paste to the affected area also helps to speed up wound healing by promoting tissue regeneration. It also treats scalp infections like itching, dandruff, and hair fall, and makes your hair silky and smooth.

Weight loss

Promotes weight loss

If you are looking for a natural way to lose weight, then consume a glass of warm water infused with haritaki powder and honey to shed away the extra fat deposits in the body. This magical herb detoxifies the body by eliminating AMA toxins and keeps hunger pangs and cravings at bay. It also energizes your body and promotes longevity.

Dental health

Prevents dental problems

Haritaki is highly effective in taking care of your oral health and curing dental problems like gum diseases, oral sores, and mouth ulcers. Packed with antibacterial properties, this wonder herb helps in eliminating bacterial invasion from the oral cavities, thereby preventing tooth decay and cavities. You can brush your teeth with haritaki powder daily or use it as a mouthwash to treat dental problems.

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