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Busting some common myths about sugar

Sugar is one such ingredient that none of us can live without, and that’s why it has earned a mixed reputation. The confusion surrounding its consumption is rather natural because various natural and processed foods contain different types and proportions of sugar claiming to have negative and positive effects both on our body and mind. But are they true factually?

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Let’s find out and bust some common myths about sugar:

  • Sugar free products are healthy

Many packaged products marketed as “sugar-free” claim to be healthy but that’s not the case. This label implies that the product has been packed with artificial sweeteners to bring the sweet effect of sugar, which is more harmful than consuming natural sugars in moderate amounts. But of course, if a certain food item is naturally free from sugar, then of course it is healthy for you.

  • Sugar consumption makes you hyperactive

The setting of occasions where excessive sugar is mostly consumed such as parties, has led to this misconception that sugar intake makes you hyperactive. But that’s not true. Recent studies have proved that sugar has nothing to do with one becoming hyperactive.

  • Brown sugar is better than white sugar

We have already largely shifted from white variants of breads and rice to their brown counterparts as the world has been far too unfair to food items that are white in shade. This case isn’t true for sugar, since packaged commercial brown sugars have already had molasses added to them. So, there is no harm in consuming white sugar.

  • Fructose sugar in fruits is unhealthy 

Unlike cookies and cakes, the high sugar level in fruit is offset by other key nutrients like soluble fiber that have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that can help minimize cholesterol and prevent other diseases. This insoluble fiber in fruit helps monitor the absorption of naturally occuring sugar called fructose in blood-stream.

  • Sugar causes diabetes

I am sure all of us might have heard it at least once, that sugar leads to diabetes.

Reason behind this could probably be because in diabetic patients blood-sugar levels are often out of control, and they have to manage their sugar consumption. In actuality, diabetes is the result of an inactive lifestyle, poor diet and genetics and as such there is no direct link between sugar consumption and development of diabetes.

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